Freebie: Photoshop Actions from FilterGrade

Lots of designers know that great photography can take your design to the next level. Using high-quality images is important, but properly editing those images is also just as important. Photoshop Actions can save you a lot of time - that's why I've always been a fan of FilterGrade. His products have been featured in publications like Photoshop Creative, Spoon Graphics and CreativeBloq. The Photoshop Actions are also non-destructive, which ensures quality and provides designers with flexibility. 

If you are interested in expanding your collection even further, I'd suggest checking out the premium bundle. The FilterGrade Photoshop Actions Bundle is a collection of all the sets combined  retro effects, light leaks and effects, film effects, chill effects, photo retouching tools, black and white effects and more! 

This fantastic freebie includes a sample retro pack of Photoshop Actions to use in your next photography project. Download link below.

* Please read the instructions on how to install these Photoshop actions here. A help file is also included in the download. Thanks for downloading! 

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